How experiential marketing gets a positive emotional response

Jun 27 / 2 min read / Orange

Customer experience is the main factor in brand loyalty. Every time a customer interacts with your company, you have a chance to make them happy and further secure their support.


Brands used to be able to connect with their customers in real, human ways through customer representatives, however, as things become automated, it is more difficult to interact in person.

Enter experiential marketing 

Brand experiences are the new frontline of customer engagement, providing a forum for people to interact with brands in fun, unique and memorable ways.

As a direct channel of communication between a brand and its consumers, experiential marketing is rife with opportunity to build positive connections and establish lasting loyalty. But exactly how and why does experiential marketing get a positive response from customers?

Let’s look closer at how emotions influence branding.

Why experiential marketing?

Experiential marketing gives people a new way to interact with a brand. Photo: Ports of Auckland Round the Bays, 2017.

Branding involves a certain level of marketing psychology – it’s all about creating connections with customers on a mental and emotional level. Unlike traditional marketing, experiential marketing gives consumers a chance to experience a brand in a different way.

Brand experiences are thought-provoking and engaging, appealing to people’s senses, curiosity and feelings. The result is that consumers respond on an emotional as well as rational level. Experiential marketing is an opportunity for consumers to interact in person with a brand. The physical experience can be fundamental to a positive relationship between customer and company.

Adding an emotional dimension to the customer experience, by inviting them to properly interact with a brand, develops an ongoing relationship.

Using emotions in marketing

The way you make your customers feel plays a huge role in whether or not they keep coming back. Photo: McLaren Epic Event.

People may not remember what you said or did at your brand event, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.

When people make purchases, they are motivated by emotion. Encouraging people to have positive associations with your brand through clever experiential marketing and tangible experiences can ensure that they revisit your product over and over again. In a report by Forrester, emotion and they way an experience made a customer feel was the number one factor in brand loyalty, over ease and effectiveness. The power of emotion can’t be overlooked.

Do your brand experience right. With the help of Orange Productions, you’ll be able to connect with your audience and build relationships that last. Get in touch with us today to find out more about what we can do for your brand.

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